Senin, 08 Oktober 2012

Water usage (Cara Menggunakan Air)

Terkesima dengan istilah water usage, cara menggunakan air. Nemu penjelasan usage/cara di Wikipedia. Lihat di bawah. Kalau para pengguna lepi tentunya akrab dengan istilah Power Usage; salah satu masalah utama pada notebook / netbook user, terutama apabila baterai mereka bocor dan malas membeli baru.

Seperti apa cara masyarakat Indonesia menggunakan air? Bagaimana cara seorang individu menggunakan air dalam kehidupan kesehariannya? Menarik disimak. Lihat di bawah beberapa artikel penggunaan air di Amerika.

Ketik aja water usage di mbah google. Ada banyak artikel nongol. Keyword ampuh. Sekaligus menjadi bertanya-tanya. Kampanye pemerintah yg mana yg mengajak masyarakat cara menggunakan air yg baik? Maklum ojekan terakhir soal kampanye air. Jadi itu yg tersisa di kepala sampe ngebrowsing subuh-subuh begini.

Tingkatan norma sosial
  • Cara (usage)
Cara adalah suatu bentuk perbuatan tertentu yang dilakukan individu dalam suatu masyarakat tetapi tidak secara terus-menerus.
Contoh: cara makan yang wajar dan baik apabila tidak mengeluarkan suara seperti hewan.
  • Kebiasaan (folkways)
Kebiasaan merupakan suatu bentuk perbuatan berulang-ulang dengan bentuk yang sama yang dilakukan secara sadar dan mempunyai tujuan-tujuan jelas dan dianggap baik dan benar.
Contoh: Memberi hadiah kepada orang-orang yang berprestasi dalam suatu kegiatan atau kedudukan, memakai baju yang bagus pada waktu pesta. kesopanan dalam berperilaku / berpenampilan sopan
  • Tata kelakuan (mores)
Tata kelakuan adalah sekumpulan perbuatan yang mencerminkan sifat-sifat hidup dari sekelompok manusia yang dilakukan secara sadar guna melaksanakan pengawasan oleh sekelompok masyarakat terhadap anggota-anggotanya. Dalam tata kelakuan terdapat unsur memaksa atau melarang suatu perbuatan.
Contoh: Melarang pembunuhan, pemerkosaan, atau menikahi saudara kandung.
  • Adat istiadat (custom)
Adat istiadat adalah kumpulan tata kelakuan yang paling tinggi kedudukannya karena bersifat kekal dan terintegrasi sangat kuat terhadap masyarakat yang memilikinya.

Water Usage Facts and Figures. Down the Drain: Our Dwindling Water Supply

By Brad Sylvester | Yahoo! Contributor Network – Tue, Aug 9, 2011
  • Each human being needs 2-4 liters of clean drinking water each day.
  • Between 975,000 and 1,968,300 children under the age of five dies each year from diarrheal diseases which could be prevented with adequate clean water for drinking, sanitation and hygiene according to UNESCO figures.
  • Each pound of fresh beef requires 6.8 cubic meters of water to produce. That compares to just 2.73 cubic meters of water for a pound of chicken and roughly 0.45 cubic meters per pound of root vegetables or tubers such as potatoes and yams as published in UNESCO's World Water Development Report.
  • 3.68 billion gallons of freshwater were used in the United States in 2000 according to the U.S. government's National Atlas.
  • One-third of all freshwater used in the United States is used to irrigate agricultural fields.
  • Between 1985 and 2000, industrial usage of water has declined by 24% in the United States, representing the lowest level since recording began in 1950.
  • The UN's Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that by 2025, 1.8 billion people will live in countries with absolute water scarcity.
  • Globally 70 percent of water is used for irrigation, 22 percent for industry and just 8 percent for domestic household use.
  • In developing countries, says the World Water Assessment Programme, 70 percent of industrial wastes are dumped directly into local water supplies without any treatment.
  • A World Health Organization Bulletin reported that an estimated 21,000,000 people were poisoned by drinking water with excessive levels of arsenic in the largest case of mass arsenic poisoning in history.
  • The April issue of "Fast Company" magazine reported that 250 gallons of water are used to create the electricity used in the average American home each day.
  • "Fast Company" also reported that it takes 528 gallons of water to produce enough food to supply the average 2000 calorie daily diet of the average American.
  • The EPA estimates that as much as 1 trillion gallons of water is wasted through leaks in homes in the United States. That's enough to provide all the water used by Los Angeles, Chicago and Miami.
  • 10 percent of U.S. homes have water leaks of 90 gallons or more per day according to EPA figures.

Brad Sylvester is a freelance journalist and writer. His writing on environmental issues is regularly published on Yahoo! News. You can follow his environmental issues page on Facebook or find him on Twitter @back2n8ure.

How much water do you use?

Common Household Water Uses
Action and Amount of water used:
Toilet flush ­single cistern; 10 litres/2.2 gallons
Toilet flush ­dual single flush; 5 litres/1.1 gallons
Toilet flush ­dual full flush; 10 litres/2.2 gallons
Bath; 100 litres/21.9 gallons
Shower (10 minutes); 200 litres/43.9 gallons
Dishwasher load; 50 litres/10.9 gallons
Washing machine load; 150 litres/32.9 gallons
Drinking, cooking, cleaning; per person per day; 10 litres/2.2 gallons
Hand basin per use; 5 litres/1.1 gallons
Garden sprinkler per hour; 1000 litres/210.0 gallons
Garden drippier per hour; 4 litres/0.9 gallons
Car washing with hose; 200 litres/43.9 gallons
Hosing driveway; 100 litres/21.9 gallons
Brushing teeth with tap running; 5 litres/1.1 gallons

Fun Water Facts

Water or ice covers about 80% of the world.
Only 1% of the world's water is suitable for human needs, 97% is salt water in the ocean and 2% is ice.
An average person can survive for nearly two months without food, but less than a week without drinking water.
The human body loses 3 to 3.5 litres of water in an average day. This may be Increased by exer-cise and climatic conditions.
An average tap flows at a rate of 20 litres per minute, depending on how far it's turned on.

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